Notice of Meeting | 7.25.22

Notice is hereby given that Harrison County Community Hospital District Board will conduct an open meeting at 12:00 noon on Monday, July 25, 2022, in the Hospital Conference Room at 2600 Miller Street. Attendees may participate in person, via conference call +1 469-998-7705: 378845509# or on Microsoft Teams. The tentative agenda of this meeting includes:

  1. Call to Order, Approval of Agenda, Approval of Minutes
  2. Introduction of Guests
  3. Medical Staff Report
  4. Monthly Financials
  5. Executive Reports
    • ACI/Boland Agreement
    • Resolution, Certifications, and Public Notice for USDA Loan
    • New Hospital Update
    • Capital Expenditure-Cystoscope
    • Strategic Plan Review
    • Quality Report
    • Medical Group Report
    • Other
  6. Closed Session – The tentative agenda also includes a vote to close part of this meeting pursuant to Mo. Rev. Stat. § 610.021 to discuss litigation (1), and personnel (3)
  7. Closed Records
  8. Adjourn

The meeting will be open to the public.